Sunday, August 11, 2024

Aug - Sept 2024 " Mermaids Wanted" Swap is now Closed

   Aug - Sept 2024 "Mermaids Wanted" swap is now Closed

Can you please make 3 ATC's, keep one for
yourself and send the other 2 to me for swapping
on or before Monday 22 September 2024.
Thank You for joining in the swap.                                        

  1. Vicky           Completed/Received  
  2. Cindy           Posted/Received                  
  3. Michele        Posted/Received           


  1. I have received Cindy's cute ATC's. Great job :)

  2. Last as usual, but posting today xxx :)

  3. I have received Michele's lovely ATC's. They will be in the post by Monday. Thanks again Cindy & Michele for joining the swap :)
